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Instafix Handyman


Phone (734) 436-1210
Address 1419 Maplewood Dr,
Saline, MI 48176 United States


Instafix Handyman is your reliable local painter and handyman service in Ann Arbor, MI, offering a wide range of services from drywall repair to ceiling fan installation, ensuring your home looks its best and functions seamlessly ✅. Our expert team specializes in appliances, assisted living modifications, carpentry, decking, and much more, catering to your every home improvement need. Servicing Ann Arbor and surrounding areas including Detroit, Plymouth, Canton, Ypsilanti, Dexter, Brighton, Whitmore Lake, Saline, Milan, and Romulus, we are committed to delivering quality workmanship and customer satisfaction on every project. Choose Instafix Handyman for all your home repair and improvement needs!

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